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Ekta Business India A Board Game


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BUSINESS – INDIA BOARD GAME A GAME OF BUYING & SELLING OF PROPERTIES IN BIG CITIES OF INDIA KNOW ABOUT THE BUSINESS FROM THE GAME The object of the game is to learn business or Trade by Buying & Selling Properties & becoming the wealthiest player by playing the game & will be honoured as BUSINESSMAN. Sometimes he is rewarded & sometimes he pay penalties etc in the game. It gives Excitement, Pleasure, Knowledge & Amusement to the player. When a player arrives on the space which is not already owned by anyone he rent to the owner of that site. Rents are greatly increased by erection of House & Hotels. During Financial difficulties, Properties can be mortagaged to the Bank. Great entertainer for whole family! A game of buying, selling, banking and mortgaging etc. So lets play and prove yourself the wealthiest person of the nation. This game is an absolute entertainer! Play it with family or friends and never feel a dull moment again. Designed and crafted impeccably, this game exudes excellent quality and make.